Abbott Slams Muslim Boycott.

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    Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has slammed Islamic leaders for refusing to meet Mr Morrison, calling it a “gross discourtesy at the very least”.
    The former prime minister said it would have helped the standing of Muslims in Australia if the Grand Mufti took up the Prime Minister’s offer for a roundtable meeting.
    “I think that it would certainly help the standing of Islam and Muslim people in Australia if their official representatives would sit down and have a meaningful discussion with the Prime Minister about what all of us can try to do to try to ensure that we don’t see more terrorist outrages like the attack in Melbourne 10 days or so back,” Mr Abbott told 2GB radio.

    Mr Abbott said Mr Morrison was “absolutely correct” to say there was a problem with Islamic extremism in Australia.
    “It is absolutely incumbent on all decent Muslims to do everything they humanly can to expose these kinds of people,” he said.
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