The next war, page-15

  1. 159 Posts.
    Thanks duff for your post on the Turkomans. You've helped to give some much needed background to what is fast becoming centre stage in world affairs.
    The sudden fracturing of the Government of Turkey,( yesterday half the cabinet resigned to form several new parties !) is really odd. Belies the idea that the US has got its war plans worked out if one of its strategic lynch pins, namely Turkey is in melt down.
    The historic tensions on Turkey must be phenomenal.
    Is the US masterminding a re-alignment of political forces in Turkey more in tune with US policy rather than Euro/nato as held up to now?
    Fascinating stuff going on at the moment and the only decent reporter in Ankara (BBC's Johnny Diamond...true!) doesn't dare spell out what's really going on.
    I think there will be war in the Middle East and it will be a bit like that moment in chess when suddenly one side decides to attack and there ensues a real bloody tit for tat as half the pieces are removed of the board after a prolonged build up...exactly what we've had since 1925 in this part of the world.
    This in the end will be an attempt by the US to assert its final supremacy and get Recognition from all that it is the Boss. No real victory while there is mutterings around the souk and conspiracy in the casba.
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