BIT 0.00% 1.6¢ biotron limited

Ann: Letter to Shareholders, page-243

  1. 1,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 375
    Great analogy J8 as always but that is end game stuff, as most of us are waiting short term movement.

    Ongoing analyses of BIT225-009 samples and data are in
    progress to further characterise the observed unique effects
    of BIT225 in patients. Work is also underway to refine the
    regulatory and developmental pathway to Phase 3 and

    Common knowledge, Biotron cannot go into Phase 3 alone, it will be with a partner. IMHO only matter of time until this progresses and not for cure, best treatment on open market if it gets approved. SP should jump from next Ann.

    The sharing of data with the scientific community is an
    important step towards commercialising your Company’s
    antiviral platform.

    Can this be platform deal? Easier to work out the tax implications

    Briefing potential partners in the
    pharmaceutical industry on the trial outcomes is another key
    step. These meetings with potential partners are not single
    events, but involve multiple meetings, spread several
    months. We believe that the successful results from this
    study will facilitate commercialisation negotiations with
    these parties.

    Last edited by eob18: 02/01/19
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