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    It is naïve to say that Islam is blend of second-handinformation about Judaism and Christianity with an inkling of Arab elements init. It is absurd to suggest that the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention ), was cognizant of the two religious systems.

    The concept of prophethood, the memory of Ibraaheem(Abraham) may Allaah exalt his mention as a prophet and founder of the Ka`bah,which the Arabs universally cherished, as well as the rites of Hajj (pilgrimageto the Ka’bah) instituted by Ibraaheem may Allaah exalt his mention wereunquestionably from before the time of Jews and Christians. Pre-Islamic Arabs,independent of any Jewish or Christian influence, knew the concept of Allaah asthe supreme God. The teachings of Ibraaheem may Allaah exalt his mention foundhaven in Arabia long before the arrival of Judaism or Christianity and theArabs were already acquainted with the word ‘Haneef’ as the worshipper of OneGod.

    The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( mayAllaah exalt his mention ), accused the contemporary Arabs, Jews and Christiansof having deviated from the original teachings of their prophets and of havingdegenerated into polytheism. He also rejected what they claimed to be theteachings of their scriptures. So he cannot be misconstrued as having conceivedthe idea of monotheism from the Judeo-Christian influence.

    The Quran does not maintain that it is teaching a newreligion. Instead it upholds and revives the original teachings God has giventhrough all Prophets of all nations. It claims that its teachings are the sameas that of Ibraaheem (Abraham), Moosaa (Moses) and ‘Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaahexalt their mention, and speaks about all of them in glowing terms. Since everyOrientalist agrees on the fact that Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ), has not read any of the scriptures,therefore, his source of knowledge must be something else.

    The rejection of Biblical teachings about the son orfather of god was rejected even in the Makkan Soorahs (chapters of the Quran)long before the Prophet’s migration to Al-Madeenah. Hence, it is not correct tosay that these renunciations came about, at the wake of the separation from theJews and Christians in Al-Madeenah.

    It was impossible to get even a glimpse of monotheismby observing Judaism and Christianity in those days. The practices of these tworeligious groups were steeped in the most debasing corruption andsuperstitions, which are vastly removed from monotheism.

    The various reform movements in Christianity,particularly the Cluniac Movement, the Iconoclastic Movement and theReformation started by Martin Luther bear testimony to the depth of degradationinto which the Christians and Christianity of the day had descended. In a way,all these reform movements and the subsequent emphasis on monotheism, in spiteof an adherence to the doctrines of Trinity and divinity of Christ are largely,results of the uncompromising monotheism enunciated and propagated by Islam. Inother words, it was Islam that influenced the revival movements in Christianityand not the other way around.


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