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Put these 5 ASX pot-stocks in your investment pipe for 2019

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    Put these 5 ASX pot-stocks in your investment pipe for 2019

    By Zoe Gross. Published at Jan 18, 2019

    If nothing else, 2018 was the year that made cannabis’s steady acceptance into mainstream culture crystal-clear, with corporate behemoths from Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) to Novartis (SWX:NOVN) looking for ways to capitalise on the blossoming industry.

    The global legal weed market is expected to be worth US$146.4 billion by 2025, according to Grand View Research.

    Moving towards (or already in the throes of) the legalisation of recreational pot use, countries like Canada and the US sit at the centre of that industry.

    And where Australia’s legislative landscape has a fair way to go to catch up, there are plenty of opportunities at hand for Australian investors with an eye on the green stuff.

    New Frontier Data suggests the total current cannabis market in Australia (both legal and illegal) is worth between $4.6 billion and $6.3 billion, with an estimated two million users who consume about 391,903kg of pot a year.

    Last year, Australia legalised exports of medicinal cannabis, and there are now more than 20 pot-stocks listed on the ASX.

    Here are five ASX pot-stocks that should be on your radar as 2019 turns a new leaf.

    3 - RotoGro (ASX:RGI)

    Market cap: $36.6M

    Another ag-tech play, Roto-Gro is hoping to redefine the future of agriculture through innovation in cannabis technology.

    Its mission: to generate socially responsible, sustainable and profitable revenue by growing cannabis and perishable foods using its cutting-edge tech solutions, while maintaining the environment impact of traditional farming.

    RGI takes a holistic approach, providing streamlined solutions from concept to harvest, incorporating both design and growing expertise, with a strategic focus on the buzzing US and Canadian weed markets.

    RotoGro has innovated a patented rotational hydroponic vertical farming system for medical cannabis producers, distributors and resellers. The Hydroponic Garden System produces uniform, high-quality plants indoors, using less space and energy than a conventional hydroponic environment, and at lower cost.

    This technology can allow for up to nine times the surface area for growing compared to traditional growing techniques, while allowing for 5.5 harvests per year.

    The RotoGro System at workThe RotoGro System at work

    As it announced in December, fellow pot-stock Affinity Energy and Health (ASX:AEB) — one of the latest medical cannabis plays to receive approval to establish a medicinal cannabis cultivation and manufacturing facility in Malta — has elected to use RGI’s patented hydroponic technology.

    As a member of the European Union, Malta provides access to more than 500 million people who live in the 23 member countries that have legalised medical cannabis.

    RGI’s technology can achieve these kinds of results through the use of stackable, rotating growing beds that are expected to produce 3000kg of bud per annum once all units are installed.

    Link to full article:
    Last edited by Dknow: 19/01/19
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