Originally posted by 3.2.1.Blast Off
AEB stands for:
A for: Another capital raising, dilute and keep decreasing stock price so whoever invests has to sell at a lower price.
E for: Excite the investors wIth new fan faIr, so they invest then tell them nothing, nothIng, nothIng, then keep decreasing the share price.
B for: Board has to be paid a ridiculously high salary, this includes boards family and friends, the decreasing share price is no concern for the board, they will retire when AEB can't get any further suckers to invest, they can retire now on what they have been earning, but why stop the gravy train while sucker investers are still out there.
RULES: always keep dilutIng (CR) to get more funds for the board and always keep decreasing the share, thIs wIll make it look attractIve for new sucker buyers and old suckers Investors wIll have to sell at a loss, wIn/wIn, always pay the board, famIly and frIends excessIvely so when AEB goes down the toIlet we can all retIre In the Bahamas.
No transparency on anythIng, excessIvely hIgh salarIes to board, family and frIends, rip us Investors off wIth scams like furnIture hIre and excessIve hIgh costs going to board members pockets, thIs is our invested cash whIch they are not respectIng. DecreasIng share prIce on any news, constant capItal raIsIng, dIlute, dIlute, dIlute.
The worst run company on the cannibus sector but the hIghest paId wages, go figure.
so what is the alternative to a capital raise. Go broke and shut the doors.
You do know all senior board members are on half salaries and Peter has been for years and is now only on Board fees.
It says differently on the reports because they are still valuing options which were given years ago which are worthless.
I don't think they are completely to blame for things like the licence not being granted yet. They were told when they applied for it like alot of companies that it would most likely take 12 weeks, over a year later and still none is out if their control.
The chief dying in Uruguay? How would that be there fault. Took them years to get somewhere with that then he kicks the bucket, and now back to square one with getting the politics sorted.
There is alot going on and alot coming in the future as you have read, fan fair or not. It is still happening providing more hurdles haven't been hit.
And sdaji we don't need to hear how good you are so please don't respond to this comment,