Himalayan glaciers will likely melt

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    "If temperatures rise by 2C by 2100, two-thirds of glaciers will meltIf global efforts to curb climate change fail, the impact could be far worse: a loss of two-thirds of the region's glaciers by 2100, said the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment, released by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)."Global warming is on track to transform the frigid, glacier-covered mountain peaks of the Hindu Kush Himalayas … to bare rocks in a little less than a century," said Philippus Wester, who led the report."

    But it gets worse.

    We are in fact on track for a 3 deg C temperature rise.

    Probably means the entire glacial region will be gone


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