Israel PM warns Iran attack Israel and it is last anniversary you celebrate, page-6

  1. 842 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    OK, so I'm a dumb-arse.

    Please explain to me what relevance history and the Art of War has to a religious zealot?

    If Bibi is someone who "is probably looking forward to this as, after the end of the world, there will be a new Jewish messiah who will lead the Jewish people and the world and the whole world will recognise that the god of Israel is the only true god."  
    then why would these mere earthly considerations even come into play?

    Are history and the Art of War pre-requisite studies to become a Muslim suicide bomber.?

    Hmmm I think not, probably the opposite actually., 

    If I'm not mistaken, one of the underlying principles of the Art of War, is that  the best victories, are those won by NOT going to war.. 

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