police shut naked child photo exhibit, page-439

  1. 302 Posts.
    I have just been out with a phsycologist freind of mine and she was telling me about how the internet is working at normalising fetish behaviour. What she told me was studies and surveys of fetish patients (not neccessarily sexual fetishes)were indicating that people were seeking confirmation from internet communication that they were not alone with their little secret and that finding others who are like minded actually can convince or comfort the fetishee that their behaviour is somehow normal.
    No suprises there, however, making a long story short,she went on to say that these folks often dont contribute to discussion they are vouyeristic and read threads like this one, instantly dismissing a view that opposes their need.They cherry pick what suits them and can become convinced that their fetish/fantasy is normal.To use this thread as an example the people who are against this art exhibition and comment on it in a forum like this are actually contributing to the very behaviour or perpetuation of the subject by flushing out comments from contibuters who agree with the exhibition. She says its possible that these vouyeristic,shy,uncertain folk are convincing themselves that the world is full of people who think like they do.Discussion on the net is helping to normalise, on mass, previously unacceptable or illegal behaviour. I have been thinking about this, reading these post and I can see what she is talking about.
    Does any of this make sense to any one else?
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