police shut naked child photo exhibit, page-465

  1. 302 Posts.
    Baron I am involved in this area with a State Government. I have posted my thoughts to the moderators, have a read. Looking at the content of this thread has concened me however there is room for misunderstanding of the seriousness of some of these posts and we must take the time of the postings into consideration. I sincerly hope that the poster gets in contact with HC and takes my suggestion. If the posts are gone soon I will assume that those that are in control of this website or the poster have thought this through and regret any offence or illegal behaviour. The laws concerning this sort of posting and the subsequent investigation powers the police have are appropiatley comprehensive and wide ranging if they feel they have grounds to investigate. You may be happy to know that a lot of offenders are caught and procecuted for posting this sort of stuff. And just by visiting the wrong website for any length of time will flag investigation. Make no mistake these sites are monitored and profiles are built on visitors.It is illegal to fish for responses to comments regarding peadiaphilia. I dont think it is the case here but its not impossible that the police have contributed to this thread to see what comes along. Thats why I am astounded that HC have let it get to where it got to.They should be onto this. Why with such a considerable commercial consideration would they risk letting this content being published on their website.Thats why I think its just an inexperienced moderator not understanding the ramifications. I see they had moderated some posts. I can only imagine what was in those.
    I just want this fixed and Hot Copper to have a look at this and if neccessary talk to their legal people to make sure they are aware of what their resposibilities are.
    If you are wondering why I am posting all this its because the more people that read this and spread the word re the seriousness then hopefully the less we will need to deal with it. There is no room for this sort of behaviour joking,ignorant or otherwise. The disturbed individuals who perpetrate this sort of crime are often intelligent manipulative men and women who can compromise good people to do things for them with threats and intimidation.They set traps on forums for folks who they think might be influenced. Humour often leads to truth with these things. They mess with peoples heads to get what they want and we have come accross some predators that have as many as 20 forums monitored just looking for the slightest hint of what they are looking for. Once they get a target thats open to suggestion they will work very hard to see what they can get.They are desperate, sick and dangerous and the saddest thing I have found is they are rarely remoursful once found out. Thats why regarding this acivity there can be no grey areas it has to be black and white.Dont comment in a suggestive way about children on the internet. Dont joke in a suggestive way on the internet about children.Its just not neccessary and its not funny. And if it continues here I will make a complaint and it will be uncomfortable for those concerned. Yep, sometimes a silly joke can get all out of hand and really make things akward for people. Thats why I am amazed HC arent onto this thread.Dont even joke about children in a suggestive way. Its illegal and can cause you untold geif.
    In the end we are looking to protect innocent children all over the world and we think one way to help with this is to let people know what we are looking for then they wont put themselves in a position like Zen may have done.


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