The Truth About Vaccines, page-4319

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Yes, merely fear and propaganda to help those funded by big pharma to sell more vaccines. We see it constantly from politicians, medical schools and journals and the media who rely on pharma funding. No conspiracy. Just big powerful business interests protecting their profits. 

    Cod liver oil - rich in vitamin A and D - is a simple, effective and cheap treatment for childhood infections - without adverse side effects! But the last thing that the pharma-medical industrial complex want is healthy children. 

    Measles Madness and Media Propaganda

    Vitamin A deficiency affects boththe severity of illness and deaths associated with measles, hence deaths frommeasles today only occurs in malnourished populations or when vitamin Asupplementation is not initiated. This is also why the death rate from measlesplunged BEFORE the vaccine was introduced in developed nations simply due toimproved nutrition. And childhood measles provides immunity for life, unlikethe vaccine, while priming a developing immune system to fight futureinfections and, as recent studies have shown, even reduces the risk of cancerand heart disease later in life. The same lifestyle and nutrition improvementsshould be occurring in developing nations today too rather than the billions ofdollars wasted on harmful vaccination programs.

    “Did you know that it is mostly vaccinated children that are getting cases ofmeasles in developed countries like Australia? And did you know that the deathrate to measles in the US for the four years before the vaccine was introducedin 1963 was 1.4 in 10,000 cases and ~2 in 1,000,000 people in the generalpopulation. This is the same in Australia. Before the vaccine was introduced inAustralia in 1969 measles had been removed from the national notifiable diseaselist for 20 years! It was removed in 1950 because it was not considered aserious risk for illness or death. It was known that without the vaccine mostcases of measles were mild or even asymptomatic (no symptoms at all) in alldeveloped countries and this provided life-long immunity. This is how true herdimmunity has been established. 

    Please take the time to read what Dr. Brian Hooker has to say about thepropaganda that is being spread in the mainstream media about ineffectivemeasles vaccines that CANNOT provide long-term immunity in people and thereforeCANNOT provide herd immunity in communities”. - Dr. Judy Wilyman;

    .."Over the past ten years in the U.S., there has been one reporteddeath from the measles . . . During the same time period, based on VAERSreports [which the CDC admits only about 1% of vaccine adverse events areactually reported], there have been 105 reported deaths associated with the MMRor MMRV vaccinations.."

    Discover more here;

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