police shut naked child photo exhibit, page-718

  1. 23,087 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    "Adolescence was natural & beautiful & the girls were just as interested as we were.
    And we were not 14 & 15 yo paedophiles, as many here now would like to brand us, no doubt."

    I see you also completely miss the point GZ.

    How children react to each other is not being questioned is it?
    Perhaps if the gallery was only openned to 11 & 12 year olds there wouldn't be such an outcry?

    People aren't repressed because they don't want children exploited and to suggest so means that you have not grasped the essence of what this debate is about.

    Understand one thing...these kids are not 14 & 15 year olds exploring their sexuality as you know doubt were so the correlation does not exist.

    Photographing and displaying children (do I need to say it again? CHILDREN!)naked in provacative fashion has no place in art.

    People need to stop confusing the innocense and beauty of the human body with the gratifying exploitation of children.
    They need to stop justifying it with such tripe as they are not children at 11 & 12 because elsewhere in the world they can marry at such age and a 12 year old needs a sex change.
    They need to live their lives without the nescessity to ogle children in their nudity regardless of their weak justfications.

    They are children...innocent and at a most confusing and vunerable time of their life yet some here take gratification in their exploitation.

    It doesn't matter whether the law protects or prosecutes.

    What was done was wrong and their is no justification for photographing naked children in a provocative manner.

    GZ...one last thing...go back now and swim with naked 14 year olds and see if your arguement that you are not a pedaphile stands up.

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