One Nation. Fantastic Policy. Indigenous Rorts, page-81

  1. 18,264 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1009

    I agree. too many with degrees but no experience in the real world. I too left school at 15, actually started work at 9 delivering milk (horse and cart) before and after school. Went to university as a mature age student to study management after a self assessment of my management ability and needing to do better. I've managed big business and did that only with the help of all "levels" of employees. Pollies could well benefit from sitting down at smoko with plenty of tradies and joining in their general discussion.

    Baba, With your marketing degree you should be able to work out for yourself my reasoning. Good marketing relies on "think tanks" that canvass all possibilities no matter how left field they are. The ones that have credibility get enough votes to get a trial. I see ON as a place where a pollie can say what they really mean and are not tied to a party line as per the ALP members.

    Could you imagine any other politician other than Pauline H wearing a burka into the house to prove a point. On that alone she deserves a vote or two. Who else but PH will call out aboriginals for being racist. She wants ONE nation not two or three. The fact that she is still there proves tenacity of purpose and for that she also deserves support. ( I'd hate for her party to be in power though)

    So now I am unmasked as a bigoted racist but you cant call me a male chauvinist pig and for that she deserves a vote. Anyway I have a greenie state member and a greenie type Labor Federal member so I need a right wing activist to balance that out. I'm also a cranky old B that likes to stir the pot and that too is why she gets my vote.

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