AGY 3.45% 2.8¢ argosy minerals limited

What to do - AGY Rights for Rookies, page-83

  1. 13,940 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3162
    Lol i don't think alot of people truly understand how good of a deal this is for retail holders.

    Literally if you bought 300k AGYRA and converted them... you would have 100k 20c options with 31st March 2022 Expiry...

    20c Option basically means you'll pay 20c/share for the options to be executed:
    If the SP is for conversation sake $1 by 2020 for example, you literally stand to profit 80c/share if you take them up and sell

    If the SP is for conversation sake $2 by 202 for example, you literally stand to profit $1.80/share if you take them up and sell

    Obviously those figures are examples, If the company doesn't succeed those options mean nothing but that's just so you guys get alittle big of an understanding
    This is NOT financial advice, Just an example of how these options work for the people constantly asking the same thing...

    Goodluck to all holders.
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Mkt cap ! $42.22M
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2.9¢ 2.9¢ 2.8¢ $61.13K 2.111M

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21 1381811 2.8¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
2.9¢ 264081 5
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Last trade - 12.46pm 15/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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