FBR 5.00% 4.2¢ fbr ltd

Ann: FBR & BKW extend Shareholders Agreement negotiation period, page-204

  1. 6,309 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 499
    After reading your post. I re-read this announcement. Since they subtly puts the same photos from here as well.


    its seems a bit redundant that they would reuse a lot of the photos on facebook. It seems they want to tell/say something but can't as its not finalised. There is also the possibility that they have ran out of things to say and are just spamming old stuff to keep the interest up. I'm in for the earlier explanation.

    Now, it might seems like BKW might have the better deal. But for a company like FBR, it might turn out that FBR might have the bigger long term advantage. The JV/MOU, if I remember correctly is only for Australia. I'm sure FBR made sure weinerberger isn't "disadvantage" by this. This reminds me of Microsoft during the DOS days. Not sure if anyone here knows/remembers the detail with IBM, but the stroke of genius for Microsoft at the time isn't that they clinch the deal to supply the OS to IBM, but also that Microsoft could also license the same OS to other 3rd party computer company. This eventually spawn the PC industry where DOS is the defacto OS in cheap IBM clones and hence Microsoft eventually have a leverage into other product lines, office/windows gui/ etc.

    Things like these takes time. I'm not an oracle and can't say FBR will have the same situation developed for them. But being a glass half full guy, I see all recent development as being positive. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. I have no qualms about their engineering feat on the HX, dismal by the shareholder communication, delighted by the blogs. Just wish that they could have been more transparent at times. I'm sure one day we will find out if they are being malevolent or just being a benign dictator.
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