Resurrections, page-34

  1. 229 Posts.
    That's interesting viewpoints
    "At death the spirit leaves the body, there is no waiting period for some kind of resurrection. It is like stepping through a veil and the spiritual journey begins immediately."
    Both in Judaism and Islam the spirit (soul) leaves the body every night when we sleep - apprently - prophet Muhammad said sleep is the brother of death. Our soul goes back to our maker for spiritual refreshment and if our time is up the soul/spirit stays in heaven.

    Some Jews/Muslims prayer on waking in the morning time, to be thankful to God - I guess I must start learn that prayer soon, but I guess it's not my time yet - If no more replies from me, then maybe it was my time by tomorrow morning? - Insya Allah - maybe extra prayers tonight - don't want to say incorrectly - Allah knows best.

    "The day of Resurrection denotes the return of a Jesus or Muhammad like figure and an opportunity to enliven ones soul through a renewed connection with Allah"
    Nope don't agree with that, we can enliven our soul/spirit during this life (and when we sleep too apparently). So many died already so a Resurrection Day for all is planned at a future day - we don't know the hour - but some guesses are year 2117 and then Judgement Day or Recompense Day as we Muslims say.

    Judgement I'm open minded about - maybe Jesus judge on behalf of God - or the mark of the Beast (?) differentiates us from the mark of God (light from our faces and hands from prayers during our life times in worship to the One God). In the Qur'an it talks about our skin (acting as a judge?) speaking about what we did.

    "Those dead who came out of their tombs, this was the tomb of self. They saw the example of Jesus and though they did not join His cause before His death, the example and injustice of His death gave them the courage to be Christians and thus rise from the tomb of self to life."
    Yes I can go along with that - courage to be Christians and follow - except in Islam we believe he didn't die in the first place and was raised up to heaven to protect him as a higher purpose in store for him - needs to be alive to come back? Just waiting the revealed one (Messiah) on righthand side of God with the concealed one (Antichrist/Dajaal) on the lefthand side of God - according to one of those books removed from the Bible - Book of Enoch (segments of Book of Enoch in the Dead Sea Scrolls - so an old book).

    Next time hopefully he gets married and has children during his 40 year rule on this earth? Will he still change water into wine? My Christian friend who's not a drinker is adamant that it was grape juice. Of course I don't drink alcohol these days and won't be alive at that time anyway.
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