Sabra Lane Helping Shorten. Final debate, page-35

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hi Wang Chung! The raw emotion is about a scumbag media outlet saying he is gilding the lily over his mum when all he did is tell the truth. They pilloried him with a headline aimed at insulting him using his beloved mother as the vehicle to smear him with. To boot they based it ridiculously on the well known fact that his mum finally managed to achieve her dream to enter law later in life. In her late 50s. Because he did not mention that they stupidly and disgracefully considered that negated what he said about his mum earlier in her life when she preferred to accept becoming a teacher because they offered her a scholarship and financially basically had to take that road when her passion was in law. She was brilliant as a teacher but did not become a barrister until she went back to study law later in life.

    They turned an expression of love for a mother who appreciated that his mum had to make those early decisions for financial reasons, into something nasty with the sole aim of smearing Bill Shorten. No decent people should do that, but the scumbag Telegraph rag did that, and even Andrew Bolt who contributes to that rag said it was wrong and he also backed up what Bill had said about his mum was true.

    A son praises his inspirational mum, who is now deceased, for the decisions she had to make early in life and we have a sensationalist fallacious rag come up with a full page spread and headline maliciously headed “MOTHER OF INVENTION” to in some twisted way try and smear Bill Shorten and therein is the justification for a sons emotional response. Well hopefully its backfired and the opposite will happen to what the dirt media rag intended.
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