intelligent less likely to believe in god, page-197

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 448
    Woddonnee, I think the point is that people on their own with no higher purpose or power are quite selfish, one could almost argue evil. Religion served a very good purpose in giving us all a belief system that included a set of morals to live by.

    And there was nothing wrong with the morality in fact it is why we survived to become what we are today. Thou shall not kill, steal etc are very good words to live by. The fact the modern world and society are slipping could be traced to our lack of faith these days.

    Now don't get me wrong I am not saying all people are evil or that organized religion is a great thing. I am just saying that the belief removing all the politics i.e. churches etc does encourage us all to look out for one another which is a great thing.

    If our modern world and science was so great and if people where selfless by nature we would not see the third world starving. We have the technology to feed them all but no one really cares enough to do it.

    We send donations in to make ourselves feel better but that is it. I say that because if the people of the western world rose up against our economic system and governments and demanded something was done they would not be dying.

    The truth is I don't mind what people believe but whether it is religion or a new form of morality clearly we need something. Despite all our advances there are billions of people suffering while we enjoy a very privileged life at their expense.
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