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Originally posted by zx65:
Poques, thats the exact same sentiment most holders would be experiencing after today's news. Do you think management would have factored in this reaction? Were they caught by surprise at the market reaction to Hopper coming onboard? Possibly someone that wanted a large position around the .004 level missed out? Next news...Big shortfall in take up coming from existing holders and voila Mr Paul Hopper and others in his circle have agreed to fund the shortfall. The market then welcomes this news back to .007 and big news not long after ($1.5m cash balance after rights issue will not last long) have to look at many angles here, all hypothetical but a real possibility of playing out exactly! Existing shareholders 0.......Management 100! Emotions stuff us up all the time!
well if your theory is correct zx it is not emotion it is engineered dishonesty and greed plain and simple.