AFP Raiding ABC Offices, page-109

  1. 16,607 Posts.
    Yes people should be free to hate and say hateful things. Its not good or polite but the public service shouldn't try to enforce universal love.

    I'm guessing you, like many, are disillusioned by the prescriptive nature of polite, with govt imposed sanctions on those who don't comply? It probably has become a hollow fad rather than a heartfelt condition, much like please and thankyou. Once upon a time it was the christ churches job to instil moral and ethical virtues in Oz, but now that message stick has been passed to the feds, who know all about punctilious honesty, goodness, and politeness (you see it, by example, every sitting of the house on ABCtv).

    "Some are born polite, some achieve politeness and most in Oz2000+ have politeness thrust upon them"

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