GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

this coud be quite phenomenal

  1. 3,360 Posts.
    I have just read Bix Weir's Road to Roota II - If you read it, read part I first. There is a link at the start of the part II article.

    It is possibly amazingly insightful. Bix speculates something you actually couldn't contemplate till you read it.

    Those of you who are familiar with Alan Greenspan's history will know that in his many early writings, he was a staunch supporter of a sound monetary system based on a gold standard. Then suddenly he did a complete 180 and 'embraced' fiat money.......or did he?

    Bix speculates that in fact Greenspan has actually planned for the destruction of the fiat money system and the banking cabal through the policies of his tenure at the Fed. He advocated strong support for the non regulation of derivatives which left in the hands of greedy bankers has brought the banking system to the ground. He also kept rates artificially low, knowingly unleashing the seeds of inflation, which combined with the banking problems would bring about destruction of the US dollar.

    Could Greenspan have actually steered the US towards where it is now in an attempt to destroy the current system and bring the country back to the gold standard that he spent so long supporting? I'm not going to make any judgements yet, suffice to say that he is a very intelligent man and knew what he was doing. Whether that was bringing the country to its knees for no reason or bringing it to its knees to force it back to a sound monetary system, who knows.

    I would strongly recommend everyone to read both Parts I & II of Bix's article's. It'll take you half an hour, but I almost feel as though I have read a truly breakthrough article that has forced me to at least examine whether many of the beliefs I hold are correct.

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