ECT 0.00% 0.3¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

Ann: Technology Acquisition Update & Voluntary Suspension Exit, page-123

  1. 621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    its replys like yours that encorage people to be spitefull. I was being constructave. I was not wrong to share the quote for the last few years and you try to make a mokery of the wisdom of poe. Who cares if my words are off if i have ltracy problems. it shows your age stock talks. Let stalk about the shar holders and what can help them if managment have problems with dilidgence when they accept what partys tell them insted of them asnking for proof themselfs. Right now to protect share holders the best thing they can do is to query all of mangements and the boards unproved unoncments until they back them up with stuff like including copies of agrements with letter heads from partners. They did not even tell us if ECt is paying for the coal from NLC to be shipped to australa. Do you now whos paying for it smarty talks? Do you now if ther is a formal agrement with NLC on writing now to build a plant or is it only a relatonship that they want to turn into a comercial agrement? The ECTREP avoided ansering my queston about this but you must now it all. Why would a smart man like you trust things without proof after a charman has avoided ansering life and death questions? Your sounding like one of the blind peple stack talk. All you can do is have a go at my spelling and you ignore busness 1 o 1. You seem like a suporter not a investor. Big difrence there mate. Show your dilidgents and throw questons and if you dont get ansers chase them for the sake of you money like real investors do. Ive been in and out of markets for near on 50 years now and run bussineses and for peple to not chase ansers as they tell others they are real investors is very easy to see through as a bulldust. Go and pick on a kid for spelling and come back when you want to look into bussiness weakness and ways to improve bussiness strenth. That is what should be hapening right now in ECT not bragging about new ventures when they have a weak area in managment and bords ability to finalise bussiness deals. Other wise your looking at 3 cents mate because these guys will fail to deliver on time as normally do then they will make extntsions then they will drag things out and you will have a second wave of unhappy investors at 6 cents who will sell down to 3. So good luck with your lasy atitude about making the mangement and bord acountible. Im a bit impatent today after procesing the anoncement for the last 2 days I am very let down. Its a good tec with the worst team controling it who makes very bad financal decisons who are on way to much wages. Angry because they have a tec i want to invest in but they are ruwening its chances of ever geting it to comercal stage. Less peple like you and more real people who hunt for ansers and ask for managment to do better is what ECT need to make some money. Your a supporter i think not a player. Like someone watching tennis in the grand stand not on the cort.
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