how Israeli AIPAC controls US Government, page-12

  1. 2,877 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 315
    seems you don't really know the history of the 'Holocaust'
    You realise the camps killed as many non-Jews as Jews? Yet Israel does not allow the term 'holocaust' to be used to describe the fate of those people. You might be surprised to learn that the first use of the evocative word 'holocaust' only appeared around 1970.

    Ever wondered why the camps were controlled by a mere handful of SS personnel? it was because the greatest controlling influence in the camps were actually other prisoners, specifically Russian Jews. They were the capos.

    I am in no way defending the inhuman practices exercised in the camps, the deaths of so many in such conditions remains unforgivable.

    Speaking of deaths in those camps... at the end of WWII American doctors/pathologists were sent to the camps to report on the causes of death of the inmates for the upcoming trials of Nazis presumably and for the historical record. Results were that the overwhelming majority of prisoners died of Typhus, malnutrition, and maltreatment. Not a single instance of cyanide poisoning was ever reported by those doctors. That's official but you won't hear much about it.

    For many years the official sign at the Auschwitz camp through which many post-war tourists were herded stated that 4,000,000 Jews were killed there. Many years later this figure was shown to be false and the sign was changed to 2,000,000 Jews. It is certain that even this figure is false. Furthermore the number of Jews killed via gas chamber is completely unknown - given the infrastructure found there and the current 'gas chamber' facsimile built by the Poles on the orders of the Russians after the war - it is highly unlikely such a ramshackle structure could possibly have been used for the purposes of gassing anyone. There are no German records of any gassings via cyanide in those camps. There were however a number of mobile units in Poland, Lithuania etc. using vans in which numbers of people were killed by gassing including Jews.

    Wherever the US/Israel pokes their head in you can always rely on lies and deception (other countries lie and deceive citizens of course, but US/Israel are no exceptions). The story of the holocaust will never truthfully be told it has been too profitable for Israel to let go of. And by the way, the monetary compensation Germany still pays Israel for the 'holocaust' does not even go to the survivors of the 'holocaust. And did you know the term 'Holocaust Survivor' extends to anyone who lived in regions controlled by the Nazis in WWII? so even if you lived in German-controlled territory and had never even seen a death camp you are a 'Holocaust Survivor'.

    There's a lot more to say about all this so if you're interested you can research it. Rely on the fact that the current stories you get about the holocaust from the media and Hollywood is mostly false.

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