HAV 4.76% 22.0¢ havilah resources limited

Ann: Havilah's Transformation Opportunity, page-27

  1. 364 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 62
    Thats exactly what we are doing. Its the only way we will avoid the shares being worth nothing which will happen if gupta gets control of the company. 50.1% is the controlling number.
    Nepotism is not a concern at this stage anyhow.
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Mkt cap ! $74.63M
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22.0¢ 22.5¢ 22.0¢ $31.00K 140.9K

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1 40579 21.5¢

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22.0¢ 6464 2
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Last trade - 10.10am 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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