The COALition cowards and their pacific retreat, page-22

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 525
    Dave Sss, interesting how Morrison wrongly identifies that “Australia’s national interest demands that coal continue...” blah blah blah gibberish.

    he’s wrong of course.

    it’s certainly in the interests of the conservative LNP govt that the coal industry provide a substantial industry funded trough for tory snouts. You don’t get benefactors like $60 mill Palmer and Gina ‘I’d Like To Give Barnaby Joyce a $40,000 Cheque In Public” walking through your door every day. How generous was Palmer actually funding the re-election of this far right near fascist govt.

    australia’s national interest is actually winding down all fossil fuel production and exports, pretty much strangling the thermal coal industry. Met coal will take some thinking, while LNG could be phased out kinda gently. gorgon LNG must be mothballed immediately. From memory its the single largest source of CO2 emissions. the immediate aim is a savage reduction in carbon emissions.

    at the same time, instead of more pathetically unoriginal tax cuts for the rich, which has caused the economy to wallow, the govt must harness all resources with a view to undertaking a massive ongoing national tree planting and revegetation program..

    carbon capture and storage is a energy industry cliche that’s bought time for them and nothing else. It’s been an abject failure at considerable public cost. It’s evident that only a massive tree planting effort on a hitherto unimagined scale will be able to draw enough CO2 from the atmosphere to make a difference.

    we do it now rationally, or in a psychotic panic within the next decade.

    The Morrison govt won’t be doing any of this, you can be sure.

    his major interest is talking gibberish and telling us how hard it is, how tough it is to be a christian these days.

    Tax cuts for the rich, gibberish and freedom for religion:. Could he be worse than Trump.

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