Heart Foundation backflips on saturated fat, page-2

  1. 28,706 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 424
    Thank you for that post. Very, very interesting indeed. No idea these days as to what WeightWatchers recommend, but when I was there certainly was told no saturated fats. The people in my group had a complaint which kept happening. Constipation.
    Because I had recently attended a course conducted by a woman I learned to trust, I was only partially following WW but also her advice. She was an advocate on foods as natural as possible. If you are going to have milk, then she said have the full fat variety. This I did. I cut out cheese altogether and did lose weight quite quickly but think that was due to other changes I had made. Anyway, today I eat cheese. 350 grams of meat once a week is very small, and if allowed at all, as said in the article, why have it at all if it is undesirable, so article suggests having their cake and eating it too. Evidently, they have been wrong and now need to admit their errors as facts flying in the face of this advice.

    Anyway, I saw a segment on the TV the other evening re these changes. I worked with a woman who had high cholesterol and was eating only egg white and some sort of egg yolk substitute all because of high cholesterol. I have a high reading myself and am trying to change my diet sufficiently to deal with the worst of it. I have a goodly supply of the good one though, so doctor is not concerned about my idea of not wanting to take statins. I eat nuts and seeds daily.
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