The delusions of climate alarmists., page-103

  1. 17,317 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    Love this post Devilmaycare . Dont know if we will find an answer as their is no way to get the world on the same level of everything .

    Its certainly not through our youth demanding before understanding .

    I have perhaps that same dilemma when i ask what happens to all the people who grow old when we have population increases to combat an ageing population . Wont they too grow old ?

    At some stage we have get off the endless growth path as being an economic measure maybe and look towards quality of life as the measure perhaps? Think they have used this before as means to reduce population levels where they have been seen to be a problem before infrastructure could catch up .

    Active sterilisation and contraception govnuts incentives to do so etc etc .

    Maybe robotics will play a big part in the changes in the Western world and the developing world will play catch up or well will sink under its own population growth in the quest for endless growth economically.

    How the developing world decides its going deal with ageing populations maybe the key to it ?

    They are going to have the most people who will age and be the poorest to be able deal with it if we dont develop ways to combat it being a problem . If it is even one ?

    Embracing our old and seeking the answer through the old maybe one way to find out if it can be combated . Increasing the age of retirement has been one way they have started .

    Finding employment or active engagement for this demographic where it enhances growing old and is seen as valuable contributions to social well being for a country mmm

    They consume less consumer goods but have higher health costs for a country overall perhaps which leads to less inflation less rises in interest rates etc etc

    The economy is seen as flat because their is part of it thats just eating and living and good on them they deserve it and have earned the right to be able be looked after and be embraced by the community . Its though them we are all living longer imo

    They are showing the way perhaps ?

    Yeh i dont know but at some stage i do think we need look at population growth as a major contributor to any problems we may have or perceive with the world and accept endless growth is not the answer to economic problems or environmental ones .
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