Climate - only 10 more years, page-98

  1. 28,786 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I think cane toads are beautiful creatures and very special in how they protect themselves from predators and I would help any cause that was set up if they were in difficulty.
    That’s not to say that I want them in Australia or I’m happy that they are here.

    I think that’s a similar view to how many old Europeans now view their new Europeans, nothing against them living a peaceful life but the new citizens have changed the environment/upset the balance of nature so to speak.

    It doesn’t matter what happens now as the deed has been done.
    They can try as hard as they like to protect the old ways but they would have to build a fence around a small enclosure, bit like they do for Billby’s and other species threatened with extinction from introduced, more efficient species

    It’s human nature to want things to stay the same.
    Europes immigration policy was forced onto it by Germany, they being part of the Union meant that the other countries were powerless to protect themselves from this wave of new Europeans.
    Same with the weather, if we are told that the weather is going to go crazy due to CO2 that we make.
    We will fight to stop it.

    Stop Climate Change is a dream for people who think everything should stay the same.
    The fluid nature of weather/climate is something that seems to be forgotten by those who believe in Armageddon being around the corner just waiting for the tide to rise.

    I just want to see governments tackle the tangible problems that can be resolved than hanging their hats on the skyhooks of man made CO2 and trying to scare the average Joe’s into submission with theories that are as yet unproven.
    Okay, in the early process of gathering relevant information to test their theories
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