ALL CHRISTIANS - Has Elijah returned or not?, page-184

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    without making it personal please?

    Stand back for 2 secs, and actually LOOK at your post here.
    Sorry, but it does Not fit your words here.
    In fact, there is substantial mocking, however, in short, I know who and what is watching, so despite it being insulting, it will be taken care of.
    Is it completely and utterly beyond possibility that Jesus did mean that the promised return of Elijah is found in the coming of John?
    If that is a possibility then the concept of "return" has been fulfilled "in spirit" IN THIS CASE.

    Mal 4:5 - Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

    1. John would come in the Spirit of Elijah -> Luke 1:17.
    2. When, before the Sudden appearance of Jesus Mal 3:1.
    3. What does this Spirit of Elijah mean, based on the Bible = If I accepted the messages and ways of Kam and went about passing this on, I could say, I am coming in the Spirit of Kam.
    4. John said, NO he was NOT Elijah -> John 1:21-22.

    5. Does Mal 4:5 align with, Jesus suddenly appearing in the Temple, Mal 3:1 = NO.

    Like it or not, the Bible (more than one witness) is dictating to us, that we seriously need to switch off our set seeds, and re-look at what Jesus might be really saying.
    Not me saying this, But the Bible, hence we need to pay attention to the immediate message of Jesus, after the bit where you say, Jesus said John was Elijah.

    I'm not trying to say "well if it happened with Elijah, it must have happened with Jesus, so Baha'u'llah is the Return of Jesus, so I win, you lose!"

    Sorry, but as I see it, you have won zero.
    It's not a matter of being childish, INSISTING on the truth of what the Bible says, it's an obligation and just look at the stern words Jesus used on some.

    Having said that, you do have a cunning way about you, split hairs so to speak and avoid numerous times, answering points and questions you are asked.
    It comes across, like you dogging bullets and it's not just my imaginations, I have seen others make similar comments.

    To my knowledge, you have NOT come clean and explained WHY this said Elijah matter appears so important to you.
    Oddly enough, it would appear you think no one goes and does a bit of research of their own for these answers.

    So are you going to tell us now, your prophet was not in fact, a returned Jesus? (Your faiths teaching?)
    Are you also going to tell us, your prophet was not the promised Spirit of Truth?
    Are you also going to tell us, your Elijah matter is not just a con to try and redefine Jesus's literal return, as it, it is only in the Spiritual context etc.

    So why then, do you appear to ignore the many Bible verses that tells us, HOW and WHY the world is like it is.

    I'm not interested in why the world is how it is, I'm interested to know what God is doing about it.

    So show me your spirit, O "temple of God". Are you speaking the words of the Comforter wotsup?

    As for your last line here, the mocking, I will let others (7 & 8) take care of that one,

    Now as for your other comment in this bit, if someone had breathed on me when I saw this, I would have fallen over, in other words, I was blown away as in what the ????
    I hope this was an error?

    I'm not interested in why the world is how it is, -->

    Based on what you have told me in the past and your posts, following is why I suggest, feel, you would say such a thing.
    Firstly, your pre-set seeds, your faith --> As God according to your faith, needed to change plans, the events etc via him and Jesus, failed, Hence we needed another prophet, despite Jesus clearly saying, Heaven and earth would pass away before his words, come meassagesssssssss!

    Had you been up to speed with many Bible passages and warnings, the reason for the state of the world in short is, Lack OF, for the love of The Truth.
    And for this reason, like it or Not, God promised to send delusions and people would, not Maybe, believe lies. (2 Thes).
    So no matter what I say, you will not see or accept it.

    All the better things that your faith stands for and tries to achieve, the directions and how too's for this, are all in the Bible and did NOT need another prophet to reinvent them.
    Hence that being one of your reasons this said prophet was required, does Not stack up.

    what God is doing about it.

    Now this comment --> the biggest shock and awe of them all.

    OT verse, God reveals the end from the Beginning --> Some might say, it was a minor untruth they accepted, and LOOK what that got them.
    Is the End going to be any different?
    If we reverse that, it would suggest, most will be off the Truth trail until near the end.

    Speaking of truths and HOW important they are;
    John 4:23-24 - But the hour cometh, andnow is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
    Spirit the God (is): and they that worship him must worship
    him in spirit and in truth.

    WHAT's that ONE Door that the Bible tells one, they have to come through, the One you reject or disagree with????
    You know, the one in that Book which you said you did a LOT of reading of?

    What is God doing about it you say --> John 19:30 - When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

    Brought the words of eternal life into the world like never before, which, before the world even existed, the plan centered around a Jesus to be, Hence, exalted and via Inheritance receive the name, The Word of God, representing his role, mission.

    That's what God did about it, but apparently, based on your prior words, that's not enough?
    And despite God and Jesus coming back, Spiritually to lead and guide you.
    Jesus's unquestionable promise, seek the truth and you WILL find it, NO if BUTS.

    And you ask, what's God doing about it?
    Oh, and what about these particular people over here or there you might say,... hmm, are you telling me with the numbers of people in the world, this truthful, simple first milk message, requirement, is out of the reach of man to do, achieve, (get it out there)?
    So what's Man doing about it?

    What happened in the past when truth got abandoned, regardless as to how you understand them, does Sodom and the Flood ring a bell?
    Does -> The gate and path is narrow and Few find it, say anything to you?
    Like the days of Noah, 8 only.
    Based just on this snippet here, if one appeared, looked like they were on lonely grounds, compared to the pack, does the above suggest they should be concerned?
    Or do you think it's a numbers game, you know like, your comments to the effect, wotsup despite the packs version of the Elijah verse, created his own, despite him saying he got it from the Greek, from whence the translations are suppose to have come from? (example only here mate, to drive the message).

    As for who or what words I'm speaking, if you think they are not appropriate, Bibilical wise, show us how and why from the Bible, why Not = Simple's, test the Spirit.

    Now then, your misuse and abuse of me quoting the Temple of God verse, is exactly that.
    You know full well why I quoted it, of which you avoided like the plague, reasons I quoted it.

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