What are you recycling, are you relieving climate change?, page-112

  1. 16,873 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8354
    "Blah, blah ,blah. Thanks for repeating the obvious . You could've just provided the link."

    All that the link provided was data presented in four, eight by twelve matrices.

    That's over 6,700 discrete data points reflecting carbon emissions (per capita and total) for 212 countries at 8 different points in time going back to 1990.

    The trends in various parts of the cannot possibly discerned by merely looking at the matrices; it requires some arithmetic computation - nothing complex, but still required nonetheless, or else if I just provided the link readers would have simply been looking at cluttered matrices, each containing thousands of numbers.

    Of course, despite the arithmetic computation was simple, I may have made an error.
    In that case, feel free to point out where my analysis of the data is flawed.

    "Do you get paid by the word by any chance ?"

    Are you for real?

    If being paid by the word is what lines my palm with silver, I'd endeavour to operate at the following level of best practice:


    "Are you incapable of discussing the solutions then ? Should we just pull the doona over our heads and wait for the end ?"

    If you feel there is a bogeyman or a monster that lives under your bed, then you can you can move your bed to a different room, or shout at the boygeman/monster, or protest about it or demand that people do something about it if you like.

    Me, I feel no need to pull the doona over my head because of a fear about something about which has not been shown to me to exist for certain.

    The threat I see facing humanity not merely a theorised one that has been hijacked by the political classes, but a real one in the form of several billions of people who are going to become even more billions and who don't know how to be proper stewards of the planet.

    And, as one of my earlier posts demonstrates [*], we (i.e., the developed world) merely behaving responsibly and being "good examples" has not worked. Carbon emissions continue rising and will continue to do so for decades to come, irrespective of how we moderate our lifestyles and reconfigure our economies.

    What is required is to focus energies and resources on the increasing cause of the problem, i.e., pollution and environmental degradation in the developing and under-developed world, not in the developed world.

    As I said, its of little use trying to round up the horses that have already bolted from Stables of the Developed World when the doors of the Stables of the Developing World are busy bursting open and releasing a great number more horses.

    I'm afraid the next two, and probably three, decades are lost.
    Our actions should be targeted at making sure the second-half of the 21st century is not also an even worse write-off.

    [*] https://hotcopper.com.au/posts/40797299/single
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