Apocalyptic crybabies ... greens, ALP and LNP need to tell the truth, page-185

  1. 36,634 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Keep digging that hole, won't you ?

    " Funded by the climatology industry " ? Lol !!!!

    Your scientists against mine ? So far you've stumped up four, all funded by the fossil industry, who are making bogus unscientific claims for the ignorant to believe.

    Please post a list of these " thousands " of scientists you have. Btw. Don't bother with the " 500 scientists " doing the rounds. That has already been discredited by many.

    Your video ? That's the irony. Your so called ' climate scientists ' , which they aren't , can't even demonstrate scientifically the proof behind their claims. One guy has a hand held meter in a room and that's the basis of his argument for the entire planet's atmosphere ?

    You must be on the gear ( or an Alan Jones devotee ) if you think that example is remotely scientific.

    I, on the other hand, have produced a list that includes thousands of scientists from independant groups that are only paid to study science.





    Even the Australian government has man made climate change as a threat that has to be addressed !

    Looking back is a good way of understanding how the planet formed, how it works and what affects it. Looking back to a warmer period shows us sea levels, no ice caps etc. Totally different to today. It also shows us how slowly things changed in the past as compared to how quickly things seem to be changing now. We already know that by melting permafrost and releasing methane, the greenhouse effect will ramp up significantly. Not over thousands or millions of years. More likely over decades.

    That would be disastrous for the expected 10 billion people expected to be living on earth in the near future.

    Maybe you'd like to have wars over water and massive financial disruption but I'm certain I wouldn't.

    So, now you're in that zone where you've posted something stupid and you are too stubborn to admit it. I can't wait for your next installment. Will it be about the lizard people by any chance. biggrin.png

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