trains blown up in spain - many dead, page-8

  1. 831 Posts.
    The question of feigned outrage never ceases to amaze me. These are 'people' or 'innocent civilians' like any other. However in a European American context civilians and 'innocents' have blue eyes and white skin.

    Aznar the Spanish Prime Minister has much blame to shoulder for inviting the carnage. His failure to make any progress with ETA and the other active groups within Spain who have pursued a policy of anti government activity including the relatives of the victims of the Fanco era (whom the popular press are under an obligation in Spain never to mention) and those other South American groups who hold Spain directly responsible for the butchers like Pinochette) has created the environment which will continue to fuel another 100 eyars war in Spain like the Spanish Civil war. It is by no means over.

    Al Queida is as much a cliched expression for 'I don't know' as much as 'Australian Experts on terrorism' ( euphemism for unemployable academic) who keep popping on every commercial TV channel each time soemthing happens.

    If they know so much about Al Queida does it not make sense to expect they would have elminated them by now instead of childrena and innocent civilians?

    Ther eis no going back which is why we have to back out of this so called 'coalition of the willing'. Let the US and its 'allies' bear the brunt and consequences of their sins. Let the Arabs and Jews fight out their wars on their turf. I am neither and do not need to shed my blod for the gains and losses of anyone.

    Don't preach the 'good versus bad' rhetoric to me. This is what is likely to happen to us and we had better be aware of it.

    Get rid of the loser John Howard and lets get on with our lives. If this is not a loud and stark enough warning I don't know what is.

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