AUZ 0.00% 1.2¢ australian mines limited

AUZ- Good Things Come To Those Who Wait, page-57

  1. 6,867 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 745
    Re: the 10% placement.
    They don't need to do one now.

    But every Company must have 'hand'.
    People can say Auz don't need cash until June 30 but that's false.

    You can't walk into the final quarter of cashflow on a breadline. The ASX will pull you up real quick.
    If they didn't have the 10% placement option and the crap hit the fan then they'd have no option but to call an EGM.

    Which takes time. And the sp would plummet in the meantime.

    Lots of companies vote for this. You can't take away the managements options in regards to keeping the company alive.

    If you want to be completely optimistic. This could be used after SK sign for prepayments in Jan (if they do)
    And the sp will be higher so it's less dilution.

    Why would they need it if SK offer prepayments?
    Well I'm tipping there will be tranches. And all tied to building sconi, and the full funding. Not to keeping the company breathing.

    So get it signed. SP reaches 10c. Use 100 mil options. And life's good.

    That's almost ramping by me to be honest. Because it's very optimistic.
    Last edited by Tony barber: 26/10/19
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