i call @RockstarJones a MOFO (cause technically he is) and i dont get moderated
i post this message below get 25 likes, and you say it's off topic, sorry, but you are gunna have to explain that in more detail,
y'know what i cant understand?
(besides 99% of everything)
is why people take their "on line personas" so seriously
@67shelby from what i see (through rose coloured coke bottle glasses) you seem like a nice person, and i dont know of the history with you and your legion of adoring fans, but why dont you just change your name and avatar?
me, and this might come as a complete shock to everyone, but i dont actually sign my dole cheques as "Taughtbuffet" so i really dont care what people think of my posting style, although i really dont want to offend anyone (except @ttward of course, that went without saying)
if someone slags off at you or anyone on this forum, it's only a fake name they are insulting, why would anyone take it personally?