sept 11 and madrid., page-48

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    christian - sept 11 and madrid...amory And Islam must be the religion of the world, and if you deny that Mohammad was/is Allah's messenger, you have no right to exist ..."


    The current muslim terrorism is not necessarily proof of this statement. Proof is necessary, not blind prejudice and vengeance.


    I have plenty of proof.......I have vidoes, smuggled from sermons preached in mosques....produced by a French outfit, not known for their friendlt attitude toward Israel, but put this one together....I have vidioes of Arafat saying just that.....and I have vidoes of other Imams saying exactly the same thing.....

    How's your Arabic?


    Whether you like it or not, muslim terrorism can be explained from a defensive viewpoint of the Muslims.


    I agree.......if they can justify from a muslim viewpoint as to why they commit terrorism on each other, fatwas and all....why should it be difficult for them to explain it from a defensive viewpoint when it comes to comitting terrorism on Infidels?


    That is, the US meddling in the affairs of Middle East, and the invasion of Iraq.


    Hmmmm And the Russians get off scot free through their meddling in Chechnya? And the Indians get of scot free through theeir meddling in Kashmir? Only America is targetted because it meddles in the ME?'s always the Great Stans fault...No one else has any faults.


    You cannot prove your statement through these bombings.


    Repating yourself....See my opening response.


    This violence may still be explained as Muslims on the backfoot - defensive. Yes thats right, whether your like it or not.


    Again, repeating your opening comment.......Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears as if you have the view that Muslims are always on the backfoot.....but never of their own making?


    If you can give me proof that there is a Muslim expansionist motive in these bombings, as opposed to simple defensive retaliation for Iraq's invasion etc, then I will accept it.


    What came first the chicken or the egg? I suppose your next comment will be that Muslims are never expansionist.......and that Saddams attempted takeover of Kuwait was an American invention?

    If Sadam had kept his expansionist nose out of Kuwait, the chances are that he would still be in power....the UN would have let him have his comfy seat at the UN and the Americans would have put up with his antics....if he had stayed would have the US...and the Iraq war would never have occured.


    By the way, I am not on your side mate....your lot are appalling for a great many reasons as well.


    Hey mate, give me a break....I didn't think for one moment you were.....Jeepers, just as well you cleared that up. You wouldn't want to give yourself a bad name with the likes of Fullguy, Cheech....Greasy and a few others, now would you?

    When you bruch up your Arabic let me know....I'll send you a copy of 3 dufferent of them showing a pouplar TV show in Egypt where an Imam is being interviewed and he makes the comments that Islam must be the dominant religion in the world and that Jews and Christians are usurpers....doomed to rot in hell forever........
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