here is a link to some info about BP's 10ppm diesel and a snippet from it about lubricity and note this quote...."If lubricity does not meet accepted international standards then it is treated with an additive at the refinery."
Impact on Lubricity
Sulphur compound in diesel fuel act as natural lubricant for fuel system components such as fuel pumps and injectors. Removing sulphur reduces the natural lubricity of the fuel. To ensure that this does not cause problems, lubricity is measured by additional testing during the manufacturing process. If lubricity does not meet accepted international standards then it is treated with an additive at the refinery.
BP Low Sulphur Diesel fuel is tested to ensure that it always meets recognised international and manufacturers standards for diesel fuel lubricity as measured by the ASTM D 6079 High Frequency Reciprocating Rig.