CCM 0.00% 5.3¢ cadoux limited

Ann: FYI Delivers 99.99% Purity HPA from Pilot Plant, page-13

  1. 2,542 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1165
    Asculpeous wonders why a local uni dept doesn't have a high level Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GDMS) facility.

    How much would it cost FYI?
    When they are in commercial production,they would need to test regularly for quality control.

    All in all Asculpeous remains very bullish as he though more tweaking would be needed to get 4N in a continuous flow situation.

    Thanks to those traders who liberated some stock into Asculpeous's hands.(he was not alone)Note is made of some brilliant trading plans when stocks are sold for a few pips profit.May they bring profit to their users and hopefully help Asculpeous's plan for a Disallowed from these current levels once the off-takes start flowing.
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