Trump Surges, page-79

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    Err...I'm afraid not !!!!

    Trump losing in Georgia to Biden, Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg and Harris, polls finds

    William Cummings

    WASHINGTON – Several national polls in recent months have shown President Donald Trump trailing or virtually tied in hypothetical matchups with the leading candidates in the Democratic presidential primary.
    Those polls indicate the president could face an uphill battle in his fight for reelection – though Trump has dismissed them as "fake.
    A new poll from The Atlanta-Journal Constitution finds Trump is trailing the five leading Democrats in Georgia, a Republican stronghold where he beat Hillary Clinton by five points.
    The poll found Trump losing to former Vice President Joe Biden in Georgia by eight percentage points, 51%-43%. He also trailed Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont; South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Kamala Harris of California, though by smaller margins that were within the poll's margin of error. Here was the breakdown:
    • Sanders 48%, 44%
    • Warren 47%, Trump 44%
    • Buttigieg 46%, Trump 43%
    • Harris 45%, Trump 44%
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    Georgia is not considered a swing state and has not gone for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1992, though Democrat Stacey Abrams lost to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp last year by less than two percentage points.
    Trump's job approval in the state was at 44%, which is about where it is in most national polls, and his disapproval rating was at 54%, which is also comparable to his national averages. By contrast, 55% of registered Georgia voters said they were happy with the job Kemp was doing and 35% said they disapproved.

    Georgia voters were split on whether Trump should be impeached and removed from office, with about 47% in favor and 47% opposed.
    The poll was conducted from Oct. 30 to Nov. 8 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%.
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    More here but you Trumpophiles will discount it as fake news.....
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