Australian Shareholder Rights Enforcer Brigade

  1. 291 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    Sick of all the dodgy directors and false reports and presentations?

    There are investors loosing their life-savings sometimes in "Wolf of Wall-street" style scams as well. These people should be immediately arrested yet we don't even hear of dodgy directors, receivers, auditors and creditors being made to pay back the money stolen or fraudulently destroyed. This is hurting our economy and jobs and makes it difficult for proper businesses to fund-raise or even operate. In the end this hurts everyone.

    Together we are very powerful and can bring about massive change.

    Please contribute your ideas to this thread.

    Some ideas:

    Do not invest databases:
    i.e. a list of dodgy auditors. Then we can know there is increased risk in investing in companies who have an auditor with a dodgy track record or who engage with dodgy liquidators or predatory vulture firms. Lists of previous bankrupt companies managed by staff can also help. This could lead to pricing pressure and activism pushing companies to refrain from employing these firms/people making the ASX safer for investors.

    Petitions to change the laws on disclosures etc:
    Outcomes of out of court settlements, selling of assets back to creators at a discount and full details of any loan contracts must be fully disclosed to the public.

    Any borrowings totalled with minimum repayments in excess of 50% of cash must be approved by shareholders with full disclosure before voting.

    Supplier company to the listed company can no longer themselves be appointed to receivers.

    On the spot imprisonment for dangerous non commercial agreements.

    ASIC to have powers to spill boards if suspected of not managing in the best interests of shareholders.

    Limits on salaries and bonuses paid to unprofitable company staff without shareholder approval.

    Banning for lying during conference calls or announcements about past facts, jail time for intentionally removing conference calls from public view after a company goes into receivership and not restoring them on shareholder's request.
    Jail time for any intentional fraud or important avoidable breach of corporations law.
    Managers financially liable to repay all losses when jailed for corporate crime.
    Excessive bonuses must work both ways: if a management decision by employee's in a management position's behaviour causes a company to loose then that comes out of any salary or bonuses above $100k.
    No termination payments for resigning employees.
    No termination payments for employees sacked for misconduct or poor performance.
    The entire board cannot have gone straight from the same company or have gone to the same university or have worked for the auditor's company.
    A "royal commission" into listed public company management and a second one to investigate selling sophisticated investments to unsophisticated investors.

    Banning directors who make the company borrow from buying businesses back from creditors after those assets have taken during receivership.

    Requiring all non cash assets to be advertised before being transferred by and administrator/liquidator/receiver.

    No rights against self incrimination for auditors.

    Political movements:
    It doesn't take that much money to sway an election or hold the position of power parliament and together we have $billions at our disposal, it will cost much less then we stand to loose from mismanagement.
    Last edited by jackAJA: 02/12/19
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