Gloves Come Off: China "Insists" Existing Tariffs Must Be Scrapped For "Phase 1" Trade Deal, page-5

  1. 2,170 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    Australia needs to keep in mind that the US, (in pressuring Australia to take a tougher position with China) is acting in its own US interests, not in the long term interest of Australia. As a country, we are riding high at present with our iron ore, gas and coal, gold, and other minerals sales. This may not be the situation in a few years time.

    Nations in Africa are being actively explored by China. Their labour costs will be much lower than in Australia, The population of these countries will be very grateful for the foreign (Yuan) currency and the development in the infrastructure, and the increase in their standard of living. What African politician would ignore that? The Government of Australia is slowly but surely closing the door on trade with China to cosy up with the US. Our politicians should look after the national interests of Australia alone.

    A good example is the refusal of Australia to deal with Huawei which has a technology far better than the west. Germany, and many other countries do not see a "security" problem and have engaged Huawei. Also bear in mind that now the US is interested in purchasing licences to use that same Huawei technology but under US company brands. What a curious world we live in.

    The sanctions that the US put on Huawei to pressure it have completely backfired. Huawei has now technically broken its supply ties with the west and uses all of its own software and hardware. The trade divide has widened! This realization has not yet dawned in the US.
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