scomo fiddles while Australia burns, page-40

  1. 48,065 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @bang57; Australia now has one of the developed World's worst education systems - one hideously divided by privilege funded by taxpayers as students are segregated into '$Haves' and '$Have-nots'..

    The chronic under-funding of public education ramped up by John Howard to enable taxpayer funding of elitist, privileged and largely faith-based schools has deprived public schools of aspirational students and high quality teachers seeking easy jobs teaching hand-selected students in privileged schools able to expel students at the drop of a hat.

    Educators know that the global PISA results are especially concerning because they're a strong predictor of Year 12 outcomes in three year's time.

    Yet Morrison's rotten government has NO plan to improve:
    . The Coalition's war against Science is without precedent - virtually discrediting it and dissuading students from even attempting STEM subjects.
    . The status of teaching - instead Coalition MPs relentlessly criticise teachers for systemic issues they've created such as casualising the profession, and undermining teachers in the community by denigrating them as 'left wing loonies'.
    . The exodus of teachers reaching retirement age from public schools is approaching crisis levels across Australia and yet tertiary institutions are struggling to attract people willing to take up teaching.
    . The impact of segregating kids is horrendous - Aussie Battlers' kids are being shafted and disadvantaged by Morrison and his muppets even as private schools run up staggering $Profits while failing to value-add to student outcomes [they even point blank refuse to publish such data].
    . The core infrastructure and resources needed to deliver world best practice in public education - taxpayer funding for Olympic pools, opera houses, gymnasiums and amphitheatres in privileged publicly funded 'private schools' is of course a Coalition priority.
    . The crippling indebtedness government is imposing on young Aussie Battlers whose parents cannot afford to cough up the Coalition's sky-rocketing HECS fees - young Aussie Battlers are being discouraged from taking up further education.
    . The emasculation of TAFE and the Coalition's termination of 'Trades Training Centres' - even stupid Coalition MPs are now realising that Australia has a crisis in the supply of people with trades training.

    All that's left is for Morrison and his muppets to burn all the books still left in public school libraries.

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