ASN 6.25% 6.8¢ anson resources limited

Ann: Bromine Piloting Successful, page-20

  1. 19,072 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2666
    Seriously, are you guys REALLY THAT IGNORANT, that you didn't even do basic research?!?

    What do you think Saturated BRINE is?


    That's all you got: SATURATED BRINE IN THOSE WELLS!!!

    Wholly crap, you mean after all this time, you DIDN"T EVEN KNOW you have been investing in (basically) a SALT company?!?

    They may use fancy words and terms to fool you guys, but not the rest of the world. Why do you think your share price is where it is?

    Here is something you guys can do: take a trip to the nearest supermarket or chemist and check up the aisle for SALT. There, you will find Bromide SALT, Iodized SALT, and Lithium SALT (only in Chemist)

    Furthermore, a little Fun Fact for you guys: Civilization have been extracting Bromine, Iodine, Magnesium, and Lithium for centuries from SALT!!!

    Its NOT a Big Secret. Every chemistry lab at any university around the world can do this.

    And Every SALT factory around the world can do this.

    Don't believe me?

    Take a trip to the nearest SALT factory in your state and see for yourself.

    Seriously, get an education. You guys may not understand this, but there is a reason why there is a lack of investor interest in this company.

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