FBR 7.50% 3.7¢ fbr ltd

In light of the recent bushfires, page-3

  1. 2,543 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 547
    I read some statistics that many folks in those areas had some type of fire insurance, i speculate that there must be a lot of funds to rebuild those areas, if one of the big Australian builders adopts hx it might be that we will see some hx's rebuilding in the fire struck parts....

    at least that is if pivac can even understand big worldwide exposure and good pr.
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4.0¢ 4.1¢ 3.7¢ $257.6K 6.733M

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31 2703233 3.7¢

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3.9¢ 456435 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 12/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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