israel will nuke iran, page-38

  1. 484 Posts.

    "Aptly named Hocuspocus"... (HP: rofl)

    "belies your intellectual dishonesty/vapidity" (HP: ditto but with big words this time)

    “Then you follow up your Fox News echo chamber comments with the a Chamberlain comparison after accusing others of being "old" in their comments when they refer to actual history. (HP: So hotwolf you are saying that 9/11 conspiracy is actual history and happened are you – as opposed to a fanciful conspiracy theory – Wrong: Also are you saying that Chamberlains visit to Hitler in the weeks before Hitler started WW2 didn’t happen; and finally you make more accusations of dishonesty ?)

    History tends to be old by nature but there's nothing older or more dishonest than using Hitler to disparage critics (like Fox and GOP)” (HP: Huh – isn’t that a contradiction to your previous sentence; and yet again more baseless accusations of dishonesty; and finally I don't get FOX of GOP?)

    "you are so beholden to this mainstream doctrine that you fail to understand how ridiculous the simile is". (HP: No – I can assure you I am far from mainstream, I'm quite well read and I have my own opinion on just about everything. Your assumption is arrogance in the extreme, or is it just that anyone who doesn’t share your viewpoint or politics is a mainstream moron because you are the one and only? Oh yeah and more big words to cover the failings of your post)

    "maybe you should focus your limited capabilities on" (HP: More abuse/disparaging remarks)

    "Now we plunge rapidly towards global conflict as a result of capitalism raping democracy by dumbing down voters, manipulating truths and making wholesale changes to the very meaning of words. (HP: Yep – everyone’s a moron except you eh ?)

    "You, HocusPocus are the perfect paradigm for that disease and a willing tool of the military establishment calling the shots." (HP: Need I say more really – your own words indicate a somewhat bitter and twisted soul)

    ROFL thanks for the laugh though.

    Apart from being full of baseless accusations, assumptions, abuse and contradictions, if the best you can do to prove your "superior" intellect and the validity of your post is using big words, my dear chap I am afraid you have failed miserably.

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