FAR 0.84% 59.0¢ far limited

SPP Ambiguity requires urgent clarification by FAR Management, page-195

  1. 1,742 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198
    Do you think you are the only one neg about FAR at the moment, look around theres plenty at the moment but i only have issues with the ones that b/s or i think have agendas. theres only about three of you out of many. Anyway i dont have three co to run so im going fishing for a few weeks adios.
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Mkt cap ! $54.52M
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59.0¢ 59.5¢ 59.0¢ $24.95K 42.29K

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1 7166 57.0¢

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59.0¢ 68730 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 29/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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