Normal climate, page-112

  1. 7,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    IMO. It would, if one were to address the problem of emissions, to start with the obvious culprit first.

    That is putting the meat and dairy industry into plant based production. This could be done quicker technically than transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables or clean energy (nuclear for instance - which does bring a problem or two of its own kind, read historic nuclear power events).

    The transition to plant based production would clean up environmental emissions equivalent to the whole transportation sector world wide. Including methane which is a tad worse than CO2. (No cow fart repartee required thank you).

    Now the thing is, the lead on fossil fuel transition must be first world led, and I include China in that, who are doing a lot to clean up their act and invest in renewables. They need to, but they are being proactive. Because of their scale and recent jump up the financial clout scale they were behind the first world curve considerably and so won’t be in a position to change as the US should have done years ago (amongst others).

    The technological change, given the funding and internal investment that goes with the big O&G / Coal, et al, industries, would ensure a faster rate of development and that could be implemented on a wider world (especially places where there is no electricity - like Indian regions and African regions - a substantial population don’t have any means of electricity).

    This has to be done on a global scale for it to work and the first world must work with the second and third world to make is sound. This is the only way to deal with the projected growth in population if you think about it.

    Now, let’s step back and see what else the meat and dairy switch to plant would give you:

    - Healthier people
    - Repatriation of forests and other land mass cleared for animal pasture
    - cleaner rivers and ocean dead zone recovery (no fishing either, that is cheating)
    - global recovery for lots of animal and plant species we are actually killing including here is Aus
    - Water replenishment

    Then ditto much of that for the fossil fuel industry as the technological transition occurs over the lengthier time span.

    Finally look what you are up against to achieve that. The US conglomerates food, health and fuel, European and British businesses and conglomerates, the health profession and its reliant in the pharma industry. The lobbying from everything from miners to pharma and everything in between.

    In truth the US has to set the example, we and others can also do the right thing, this would bring about pressure to the US and others that don’t follow. But if this is not done on a global scale sooner rather than later then you have had it.

    Ridding the planet of meat and dairy quickly would give you the time to set in motion the transition planning for energy world wide. It has to be coordinated or it’s pointless.

    But and this is the elephant in the house, lots of 5% ers are earning a vast amount of money from the status quo so they don’t care so they lobby for the status quo and anti change rhetoric. That includes Government leaders in lots of countries but the US is the main culprit. And let’s face it - how many good politicians are there. (A postage stamp is available for all answers).

    And loss of industries and jobs? What does transitioning give? And the whole world needs food and energy to survive still. It’s all about planning and greed. Both fulfil destiny but in a whole different way.

    just my thoughts anyway.
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