HRZ 0.00% 4.6¢ horizon minerals limited

Ann: Boorara Drill Results Continue To Exceed Expectations, page-16

  1. 1,225 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 188
    It is a consolidated BFS, we are looking at central mill to process ore from HRZ several adjacent demands.. The other thing tthat might come to play is potential for JP to arrange third party toll process MOUs or agreements with others to beef up the BFS, this would enable to build a central mill with reasonable amount capacity as HRZ continues with development drilling and exploration with Boorara, Teal and Lakewood and etc..

    As stated in previous post the previous management of Boorara has claim that Boorara had the potential to the be sister to Mt Charlotte, a 6 moz resource ore that depth i think about 1000-1200m... from memory strike length 500m and width 50m. the overall grade average was like 3+g/t. where grades we better with depth. I think grades in shallow end were around 1.7 g/t.

    The reason there claim it was similar as it same rock geochemistry and had the same drilling orientation. MRP drilled two deep holes the grades were poor (but was not in the correct drilling orientation ) but did show mineralisation around 600m .. I recall deep drilling cost $200-400k for 1000m.. significantly more expensive than RC drilling. So Jury in my opinion the jury is still out whether Boorara on being sister to Mt Charlotte, it would require a lot of expensive deep hole exploration drilling.
    Last edited by ecker: 22/01/20
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