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Since we provide all sorts of narrowband services, there is a high range of capabilities which can be provided from day one (from the first batch in space). These capabilities include Internet of Things (IoT) services, Machine to Machine (M2M), data transfer, data store and forward, texting, financial transactions which are not low latency etc. In fact, the only service will not be provided until we deploy most of the constellation is Real Time Voice calls as a 24/7 service. We target mid-2019 for our first batch launch with Virgin Orbit and expect to be revenue generating immediately after completion of in-orbit testing (6-8 weeks),” Moalem added.While optimistic, though, Moalem emphasized that the coming months are crucial for SAS.“2019 is the culminating year for SAS, the year we launch our first commercial assets. This is the year that everything needs to come together: the satellites, the software, the ground infrastructure, the IT systems, the supply chain, the logistics, the commercial contracts, the operations…and much more. Indeed – exciting times!” he said