Another nail in coal’s coffin? German steel furnace runs on renewable hydrogen in world first, page-6

  1. 10,895 Posts.
    With COAL POWER BREAKING DOWN EVERY 3 DAYS in Australia in 2018 are you seriously suggesting this is PATHETIC EFFORT is reliable?

    "Australia’s fossil fuel generators broke down on 135 different occasions in 2018, with coal generators failing once in every three days and new “HELE” technology favoured by the federal Coalition government failing more often than the country’s ageing black coal fleet.

    The newly released research from The Australia Institute – a compilation of its Gas and Coal Watch over the past year – highlights the perilous state of the country’s thermal fleet, just as the federal Coalition looks to use taxpayer funds to subsidise yet more plants and additions.

    The TAI survey found that gas and coal power plants broke down 135 times in 2018, a rate of once every 2.7 days. “While this could be expected of an aging coal fleet, the new analysis shows that Australia’s newest coal power plants (so-called “HELE” plants) are faring just as poorly,” it says.

    (HELE stands for high efficiency, low emissions, but is little more than a marketing term coined by the coal lobby. Emissions are still high and efficiency is still low, so high emissions, low efficiency might be a more accurate description)."
    Last edited by sierra: 30/01/20
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