More bad news for the alarmists to "wine" about., page-470

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    One of the heroes of climate change denial in Australia, NSW Liberal Senator Jim Molam, has come clean about his appaling disbelief about human activity causing climate change.

    Asked on ABC’s Q&A tv program "what is the evidence you are relying on?" for your position, Molam replied “I'm not relying on evidence.”

    in the absence of evidence He couldn’t detail what he does rely on to justify his position.

    ”I respect very much scientific opinion but every day across my desk comes enough information for me to say that there are other opinions!” Molam said without providing further details.

    also on the Q&A panel and sitting beside Molam was climate scientist Michael Mann, director of Earth Science Systems Center at Pennsylvania State University, who has been visiting Australia since December.

    ”For] every scientific institution in the world that's weighed in on this matter, climate change is real," Professor Mann said. "It's human caused. It's already leading to disastrous impacts here in Australia and around the rest of the world. And it will get much worse if we don't act."

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